Tag: Ted Lipien

Digital Journal, Featured, History, Poland, Russia

Was White House duped by Kremlin on timing of missile decision? | Digital Journal Op-Ed

By Ted Lipien Published October 2, 2009 by Digital Journal Speculations grow that Russian diplomats, working on instructions from propaganda experts, tricked White House and State Department officials to get President Obama to make his missile shield announcement on September 17, a bad day for Poland. Opinia.US, a bilingual Polish-English news website providing analysis of US-Polish relations, reports that bloggers…

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Digital Journal, Featured, Highlights, International Broadcasting, RFE, RL, Russia, VOA

Op-Ed From Russia with Censorship | Digital Journal

By Ted Lipien

Published September 16, 2009 by Digital Journal

Marine Gunny Sgt. Patrick Modriskey takes a break from his temporay duty in Moscow, Russia, to visit the 'Red Square' Oct. 30, 2006. Dept. of Defense photo by Staff Sgt. D. Myles Cullen (released)

FreeMediaOnline.org Logo. FreeMediaOnline.org, Free Media Online Blog, GovoritAmerika.us, Commentary by Ted Lipien, September 16, 2009

San Francisco — Censorship from Russia and China comes home to America in profit-oriented and staying-in-the-market-at-any-cost decisions by American businesses and sometimes even US government agencies, as FreeMediaOnline.org, a San Francisco-based media freedom nonprofit, has been documenting and reporting.

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Digital Journal, Featured, Highlights, RFE, RL, Russia

Killings of Journalists in Russia Lead to Self-Censorship | Digital Journal

By Ted Lipien The Committee to Protect Journalists, CPJ, has released a report on unsolved killings of journalists in Russia which identifies the Russian Federation as one of the deadliest countries in the world for the press. Published September 15, 2009 by Digital Journal The international organization of journalists ranked Russia third worldwide in the number of journalists killed and…

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International Broadcasting, Russia

How Self-Censorship Works – Putin, GQ, and US Taxpayer-Supported Radio Liberty

Censorship and self-censorship have become a permanent feature of the media scene in Russia under Mr. Putin’s rule. Many Americans, however, were surprised last week that this kind of censorship with origins in Moscow has now reached corporate boardrooms in their own country and even put limits on news generated by US taxpayer supported Radio Liberty, which broadcasts to Russia.…

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Cold War, International Broadcasting, Russia

The Murder of Georgi Markov: The Mystery Remains – Are Radio Liberty Journalists Now Safe?

Thirty-one years ago this week, on 7 September 1978, Georgi Markov, a Bulgarian émigré journalist who wrote for Radio Free Europe, BBC and Deutsche Welle, was assaulted in broad daylight on London’s Waterloo Bridge. Markov’s murder happened during the Cold War, but in more recent years the murder of Anna Politkovskaya and of numerous other journalists in Russia, as well…

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International Broadcasting, Russia

Independent US Bloggers Beat Voice of America and Radio Liberty in Delivering Uncensored News to Russia

Update: Radio Liberty Russian website finally produced reports on the GQ story on Monday, full three days after the story broke in the mainstream media in the US, NPR no less. VOA Russian website had a very brief news item on the story by Sunday. Only on Tuesday, did the VOA Russian Service post an interview with Scott Anderson. The…

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Self-Censorship About Putin at Condé Nast GQ Magazine, Limited Coverage by U.S.-Taxpayer Funded Broadcasters

The popular New York blog site Gawker is reporting that “in an act of publishing cowardice, Condé Nast has gone to extraordinary lengths to prevent Russians from reading a “GQ” article criticizing Vladimir Putin.” Condé Nast publishes such widely read magazines as “Vanity Fair,” “The New Yorker,” and “Vogue.” In Russia, it publishes “GQ,” “Glamour,” “Tatler,” and “Vogue.” The Manhattan…

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International Broadcasting, Russia

The Kremlin’s Efforts to Rewrite Soviet History Work in Subtle Ways

  FreeMediaOnline.org, Free Media Online Blog, GovoritAmerika.us, Media analysis by Ted Lipien, August 21, 2009, San Francisco –A title of a recent report on the Voice of America Russian Service website caught my attention: “Сговор Сталина с Гитлером – «единственное средство самообороны»?” “Stalin’s Pact with Hitler – «The Only Means of Self-Defense»?”   The story posted in Russian was the…

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Blogger News Network, Russia

Voice of Russia English web site ignores the murder of Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya while offering extensive coverage of political scandals in the U.S. and Great Britain

Published on Blogger News Network October 17, 2006 Voice of Russia English web site ignores the murder of Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya while offering extensive coverage of political scandals in the U.S. and Great Britain by Ted Lipien FreeMediaOnline.org Dublin, CA — During the Cold War, the Soviet media reported extensively on any real or imagined political scandal and natural…

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BNN, RL, Russia

Former Head of Radio Liberty Russian Broadcasts Criticizes Pro-Kremlin Media Handling of Russian Journalist’s Murder | BNN Oct. 14, 2006

Originally published on Blogger News Network (BNN), October 14, 2006 Former Head of Radio Liberty Russian Broadcasts Criticizes Pro-Kremlin Media Handling of Russian Journalist’s Murder By Ted Lipien Wikinews, October 12, 2006 – Mario Corti, former head of Radio Liberty Russian Service, criticized pro-Kremlin media reporting on the murder of independent Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya as an insult to the…

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Blogger News Network, International Broadcasting, Russia

Neglect of Media Freedom Issues in Russia Contributed to Murder of Russian Journalist Anna Politkovskaya

Published October 12, 2006 on Blogger News Network Neglect of Media Freedom Issues in Russia Contributed to Murder of Russian Journalist Anna Politkovskaya By Ted Lipien FreeMediaOnline.org Dublin, CA – Mixed signals from Washington have helped President Putin’s crackdown on independent media in Russia and may have contributed to the recent slaying of a prominent investigative Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya.…

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